Why You Should Consider Heater Repair and Furnace Maintenance This Winter

Heater repair and furnace maintenance are vital to keeping your system in tip-top shape over the coldest months of the year. It’s easy to forget about your heater until it’s too late, but you should avoid that mistake at all costs! Take a look at these four reasons why you should plan on having your heater repaired and maintained this winter.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Furnace maintenance is important for a number of reasons, but the most important reason is that it helps to avoid breakdowns. If your furnace breaks down at the end of winter, you may have a hard time finding someone who can fix it in time. And if there is an emergency, you will be stuck with an expensive bill. Regular maintenance helps keep your furnace running smoothly so that you don’t have to worry about expensive repairs. It also extends the life of your furnace which means fewer repairs in the future.

Another important reason why regular furnace maintenance is important is that it helps keep your home comfortable throughout winter. Furnaces are designed to heat your home but they don’t do a good job of keeping it cool in summer. If you don’t have a working air conditioner, you may find yourself struggling to keep your home at a comfortable temperature when summer rolls around. Regular furnace maintenance ensures that you get adequate heating throughout winter which reduces your need for an air conditioner during summer.

The Benefits of a Clean Filter

A clean filter is important for a number of reasons. First, it can improve your furnace’s efficiency by at least 20%. This means you will be using less gas or electricity to heat your home. Second, it can help you to save money on heating bills. And lastly, a clean filter reduces the risk of a fire because it prevents particles like dust from getting into the system and blocking air flow.

If you don’t have time to change or clean your filter regularly, consider hiring an HVAC technician to do it for you. It may cost more, but most technicians will offer a cleaning as part of their furnace maintenance packages. In addition, if you have pets in your home, it is essential that you clean or change your filter on a regular basis. For example, dog hair can clog up filters rather quickly.

The Types of Filters Available

Air filters are an essential part of a healthy home. There are several types of air filters, but most come in either pleated or electrostatic form. The type you choose will depend on the needs of your home’s heating system.

Furnace Maintenance MERV Pleated Air Filter

Pleated air filters trap dust, dander, pollen, pet hair, lint and mold spores in its pleats. The pleat’s size is too small for larger particles to get through. The pleat also inhibits airflow. That means more particles will build up over time making these filters need to be replaced every three months or so depending on how much your HVAC system runs.

Why it’s important to have professional maintenance.

It’s important to have a professional maintain your heater to ensure you’re getting the best quality of heat from your furnace. Your heater is a major investment, so it’s important to make sure it lasts as long as possible. If you are running a heating business, the difference between a well-maintained unit and one that hasn’t been maintained can be the difference in whether or not people want to buy your services. Having professional maintenance done also helps keep your warranty valid for longer periods of time.

Some furnaces even have sensors in them, which can detect problems early on. If your unit is beyond repair or needs a replacement part, you’ll want to have it replaced before it breaks down, which could lead to other major issues like frozen pipes or broken heating vents. Having professional maintenance done on your furnace will keep your heater running efficiently while making sure there aren’t any major issues brewing inside.

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